i don't understand you. i don't know how many times i've said this already, and it's still one hundred percent true. i don't understand you.
i don't dislike you. sometimes you're absolutely the most irritating, irritable, provokable, fussy, bossy, egoistic creature i know. well, almost the most irritating. i know worse. oh, and of course, when we disagree it's like clashing two cymbals together, only nothing as nice. seeing how both of us are more than usually vocal and stubborn and also more than a little proud. like repels, as they say. anyway, my point was, i don't dislike you.
and, i like you. because, sometimes you're nice, you're fun, and at least you're daring and you occasionally make sense. or more than occasionally, although those other times you're being so obnoxious i oppose you just for the sake of it. ugh. there are those times when you're the most fun person i know to be around, when i'm really glad i know you. there are also those times i could just slap you and scream at you, and i just want to so bad my eyes hurt from rolling. and then there are those times when you do things, say things, or don't say things... i just don't get those times. so in the end, it's back to the first point. i don't understand you.

i used to envy you, to admire you, to worship you. i've seen your pms-ing mode, and your crazy mode, and your un-glam mode. and so now, i'm finally comfortable with it. you're not perfect, you're human. and, you're a a friend. not a best friend, that we are not. and i'm finally fine with that, too. because noone needs a best friend, just a close friend and a good friend. which you are. so next time i wake up screaming in the night, i finally have someone i'll dare to call to. thank you. =)

you're a wonderful friend. caring, considerate, easy to talk to. yet when i just need someone to talk to, i don't dare to count on you. often i can't reach you, or i know you'll be busy and don't want to bother you. i just don't know. yet, i think i can count on you - you said so, i believed you. it's just... well, it's complicated.
and then, you understand so little about me. not that you don't understand me, or know me. but you can't empathise, you can't understand how i feel. we're so different, often i feel like i'm pulling off in an entirely different direction. but, well, you're still my good friend. close friend, even. we are still friends