An infinity of suns, the nearest of which only diminish in size, viewed with the most powerful telescope: each with its retinue of worlds; infinite numbers of such suns, so remote from us that their light would not reach us, journeying during an infinity of time, while the light that has reached us, from some that we seem to see, has been upon its journey for fifty centuries: our world spinning upon its axis, and rushing ever in its circuit round the sun; and it, the sun, and all our system revolving round some great central point; and that, and suns, stars, and worlds evermore flashing onward with incredible rapidity through illimitable space: and then, in every drop of water that we drink, in every morsel of much of our food, in the air, in the earth, in the sea, incredible multitudes of living creatures, invisible to the naked eye, of a minuteness beyond belief, yet organized, living, feeding, perhaps with consciousness of identity, and memory and instinct.
St. Chrysostom and St. Augustine speak of initiation more than fifty times.
It has been well said, that when Tamerlane had builded his pyramid of fifty thousand human skulls, and wheeled away with his vast armies from the gates of Damascus, to find new conquests, and build other pyramids, a little boy was playing in the streets of Mentz, son of a poor artisan, whose apparent importance in the scale of beings was, compared with that of Tamerlane, as that of a grain of sand to the giant bulk of the earth; but Tamerlane and all his shaggy legions, that swept over the East like a hurricane, have passed away, and become shadows; while printing, the wonderful invention of John Faust, the boy of Mentz, has exerted a greater influence on man's destinies and overturned more thrones and dynasties than all the victories of all the blood-stained conquerors from Nimrod to Napoleon.
They are to be mixed as the Art directs, and then placed in a vessel in the form of a SHIP, in which it is to remain, as the Ark of Noah was afloat, one hundred and fifty days, being brought to the first damp, warm degree of fire, that it may putrefy and produce the mineral fermentation.
But here the servant, and, in a sense, the creature of man, the drudge of kitchen and factory, the humble slave of the lamp, engaged in his most servile employment, appearing as a little point of flame, or perhaps a feeble spark, suddenly snaps his brittle chain, breaks from his prison, and leaps with destructive fury, as if from the very bosom of Hell, upon the doomed dwellings of fifty thousand human beings, each of whom, but a moment before, conceived himself his master.
Theophilus says that the Osiris of Egypt was supposed to be dead or absent fifty days in each year.
The right wave length...
Both light and heat are different manifestations of electro magnetic radiation. The stars and other sources of the universe do not all give out the same type of radiation. This is the vast spectrum over which the different wave lengths of the universe’s electromagnetic energy extend.
The sun’s infrared radiation is what carries the thermal energy that keeps earth warm. Human being’s are no exception.
Two different forces are at work here. The force of explosion, driving matter outward and away, and the force of attraction, trying to resist first and pull everything back together.
There exists in this universe a superior order and perfect harmony.
The numbers defining the order and plan of the universe’s equilibrium play a crucial role and exceed comprehension. Thus science proves the reality of creation.
A crucial rule of(classical) chemistry is that elements cannot be transformed into one another.
Resonance is defined as the harmony of frequencies (vibrations) of two different materials.
A supernova is a star that is shattered by explosion. The distribution of celestial bodies in space is exactly what it must be in order for human life to exist in this planet. There are 9 planets with 54 known satellites and an unknown number of bodies.
Consequently if life is going to exist on any planet in the universe anywhere it is going to be carbon based. Temperature and atmosphere are the first essential factors of Life on Earth. Not only must the average temperature be ideal: the available heat must be distributed fairly equally over the planet.
Geography also helps distribute heat equally over the earth.
The sun is something we see most often see throughout our lives.
To try and explain such perfect structure as “accidental” is irrational.
All creatures with a body size of more than a quarter of millimeter have a centralized circulatory system.
Natural selection holds that those living things that are stronger and more suited to natural conditions of their habitats will survive in the struggle for life.
Therefor, the mechanisms of natural selection has no evolutionary power.
Another subject that remains unanswered by evolutionary theory is the excellent quality of the perception in the eye and ear.
The brain is insulated from all light, The brain is insulated from sound just as it is from light, and its surrounded by darkness.
There was, I suppose, in its proportions and features, a latent discord––a certain mysterious and indescribable relation, which jarred indistinctly upon some secret sense of the fitting and the safe, and raised indefinable suspicions and apprehensions of the imagination.
What the means of this whole moral code revealed religion regarding the keeping of our own bodies, soberness, temperance, etc.? Here is an obvious connection between the material and the invisible, the healthy tone of the system, and its unimpaired energy, may, for aught, we can tell, guard us against the influences, which would otherwise render life itself terrific.
I think, something most disagreeably disenchanting in the sound of one’s own voice under such circumstances, exerted in solitude, and in vain. Silence, grew more silent, and darkness darker. The apparition had been, indeed, altogether anomalous. ’One of the most remarkable phenomena’ connected with the practice of mendacity is the vast number of deliberate lies we tell ourselves, whom, of all persons, we can least expect to deceive. But the spell was not yet broken, the valley of the shadow of death was not yet traversed. Now, I may thus add, in compliance with immemorial usage of the realm of fiction, which sees the hero not only through his adventures, but fairly out of this world.
The distinction between thought–transference and clairvoyance. The sending and receiving of waves and currents of thought and feeling. Thought vibrations, and how they are caused. Cold scientific reports read like a romance, and prove beyond reality of this great field phenomena. The person carefully studying and applying the principles should become very proficient in both private and public manifestations.
Shifting the consciousness from the physical plane to the astral. Keen perception of the subconscious faculties. Symbolic visions. Projecting of thought–forms. Something between ordinary Clairvoyance and Astral–body perception. What a thought–form is. What it does. Where it goes. How a portion of one’s consciousness is projected in Thought–form.
Mental vibrations are much higher in scale than are physical vibrations. Suggestions as to practice,and rules of development. Distance no obstacle. Psychic–Induction at long range.
The Master–Key which unlocks the doors to many ancient Mysteries. A simple explanation, of puzzling occult manifestations. Self Protection. A co–relation of Thoughts and Things. Non fanciful theories, only practical facts for actual application.
So far as the illustrations and cases, the quotation and citations are concerned–– these are purely Western and familiar to the student. “The Astral World” and “The Human Aura”, respectively.
This was unfortunately my condition. From all this surmised that my position was not only one of considerable difficulty but it was also one of no little danger. Strangely enough, the effect it had upon me was to brace me like a draught of rare wine. Then in a flash the real meaning of what proposed to do occurred to me. Ah! I like the idea. It is Grand.
If it were wanted to make up a collection, it might possibly be worth a sovereign.
I worked hard and passed my examinations with comparitive ease; yet it seemed to do me no good with those above me.
What to do I knew not.
You cannot guess the magnitude of the experiment upon which is at work.
Thus encouraged, I told him in few words all that befallen me since we had last met. I, for one, have never met anyone like him; and as for this new scheme of his, why, if he brings it off, I give you my word it will revolutionize science. It is one of his peculiarities to be “punctual” to the moment. The result was one that you will scarcely credit. I cannot swear to the truth of it, of course, but I will go as far as to say I don’t think he was intentionally deceiving me.
The coincidence is too extraordinary! The whole scene was plain before my eyes, as it had been a photograph taken on the spot. I give scarce credit the evidence of my senses now!
To–night I have shown you something for which less than a hundred years ago I should have been a stone wizard. The story is as old as the hills. For my part, I have studied the subject in every form, in every detail. It has been a long tedious search, which only makes success that much sweeter. Still, I like you all the better for your Modesty. I understood immediately from whom he came.
For this reason I have sent you the accompanying drugs, each which is labeled with the fullest instruction. They should not be used unless occasion absolutely requires of them.
“I will communicate with you again...”,
”Believe Me”,
”Your sincere friend,”
”P.S.––One last word of warning. If you should come across a Mongolian of very sinister appearance,with half an ear missing, have nothing to do with him so ever. Keep out of his way,and above all else do not let him know of our connection. I beg of you, all of our lives depend on it.”
She must indeed be devoted. I presume I may rely on you for assistance during the voyage should I require it. One thing is certain, I had no idea of the importance the incident was destined to occupy in the history of my life.
I’ am everything to him, and know so well what he requires. There was something in her action that touched me in a manner I cannot describe. It all seems so strange. For some reason or another, I feel certain that there is something behind it that is being kept from me., and for what purpose?
She continued authoritatively, how to preserve that flicker was a question that appeared at first impossible to answer. Who was supposed to have been watching, was unable to interpret, meanwhile recovered his senses, hardly able to realize the consequences of his inattention.
It will be readily understood that I had sufficient matter before me handling to which it was being subjected. I do not think anyone who has read the preceding pages will doubt.
For a moment I hardly knew what course to adopt. I felt morally he was not there for no lawful purpose. As I noted the significant fact to which I have just alluded me.
Drugs...or had I truly conceived this encounter and harmonious experience.
Immediately a loud chorus of protest arose from other members of the party. To the right, inside the enclosure, was an ancient graveyard. “Now don’t put ideas in our heads!”
Built generations earlier, bound to the vows of poverty and obedience. “Then not another word about ghosts!”
Directly ahead, at the front entrance to the monastry, a big rusty gate stood ajar. Then silence, even more terrifying than anything, fell upon the grounds.
But it was the dark intent that sent shivers down her spine.
The gatemen did not respond to the greeting.
The sign read, NO TRESSPASSING.
”No I ain’t.I’m the gateman.”
”No my child,” responded the monk.
”a natural mistake, my child. Is there anything else you wish to know? We have no secrets here––only serene faith and hope for a better world.
”A Newspaper?” the Monk’s inquiry was sharp. ”Who were those men?” “What did you learn?”
The stranger squirmed uncomfortably. “Sorry I dont feel like answering questions.”
”We may be in the universe as cats and dogs are in our libraries, seeing the books and hearingthe conversation, but having no inkling of the meaning of it all.”
”A friendly and flowing savage,who is he? Is he awaiting civilization, or is he past it and mastering it?”
Civilization he loved to say, had blinded the eyes of men, filling them with the dust of their vision.
He surprised eternity in a running moment.
The Cosmos , in a word, for him the physical, Nature’s Moods were transcendental cosmic activities that induced in him these singular states exaltation and expansion.
He possessed a full experience, at times a keen judgement, of modern life; and while underneath, all the time, she pushed wide the gateways of her own interest.
The underlying ego that unified these projections was the type touched with such a sure hand in the opening pages of an inspired little book: the Plea of Plan.
Wise in their generations, the editors who commissioned him remembered that his kopy came in that they were editors.
Further, the power to set it down in brief terms born directly vivid emotions.
Can it be the MSS of stories, And notes, and episodes I found, almost carefully compiled, and tabulated with titles, on a iterated kanvas.
He was accused of adding details, therefor, because he had divined their presence while the still below the horizon. Scripting emerged.
An intellectual attitude of mind, in word, was critical, not creative, and to be unimaginative seemed to him, therefor, the worst form of unintelligence.
Reason should be the Guardian of the soul’s advance, but the object.
For him there existed a more fundamental understanding than Reason, and it was, apparently, a Natural Understanding. And in the broken record of the adventure that this book relates this strange temperament remains the vital clue.
”What the world has gained by brains is surely nothing compared to what it has lost by them...”
The word kept chasing itself in a circle like a kitten after its own tail, yet bridging no explanation.
The Prophecy
There had been opposition of course.
”It’s exactly a question of belief!” Let’s hope the day is far off,if it must come at all. And as to his Spirit’s return, ––that is, of course possible––,to my mind at least.
”If possible, then extremely probable.”. Ill haunt them like a continuous performance, if conditions allow. Want me to appear to you too?
Lines be bothered, Free verse is the thing for this place.
Modern Spiritualism
The Reality of Psychic Phenomena
One who undertakes to represent certain events of Scientific Spiritual Research of the kind recorded in this book, must above all be prepared to find that this kind of investigation is at this time almost universally considered impossible.
Conception of the higher worlds
Knowledge of super sensible worlds
The Charector of Occult Science
A vision upon a warning
You know I can only surmise about this––
God, Kingdom, Earth, Science, Men, Women, Children, Heritage, Land, Government, Chaos, Conspiracy, Fraud, Sales, Money, Cash, Banks, Royalty, Descent, Love, Hatred, Occult, Intuition, Freedom
Exerts of my A∴ A∴ EXperIments
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