Automatic writing The Mysteries In Relation to Philosophy

November 16, 2011@ 11:52 p.m @home

Automatic Writing
Derived from:

The Mysteries In Relation to Philosophy

Derived from a primitive source we look upon the Craft as a primitive system.
MACH AGISTIA: uncorrupted philosophy in primitive times.
The celebration of night, Phoenician Mysteries exhibited the corpse and for whom the tomb was erected for. OSIRIS, ISIS, and HORUS are counterparts of the deific principles and created forms.
August Brimo hath brought a consecrated son Brimus, words which no doubt typified both the sun and the Initiate.

"Origines Getium Antiquissmae" within this period many valuable quotations for a known truth. The Mysteries were all - all one, and varied only in language. It is the truth.
"Broad is the way that leadeth to destruction," "But straight is the gate and narrows the way which leadeth to life." Having been broke through the elements. 

At the foundation of al Arcane Mysteries is one of the strongest truths we can expect to have of the antiquity of Free Masonry.

That the soul may obtain justification in future state, parallel lines in appropriate disciplines, which dwells upon the moral and spiritual qualities, were respectively invoked upon the Kraft is a primitive system.

Abandon pretensions, the time had arrived, Mysteries were shown by transpericies and this is what we shall find as we proceed...
Certain facts we enjoined, Orphic Fragments used to address the people to the philosophy in which very unknown, in ancient aspect, represent the Universe.

We learn from various writers that the Mysteries had their secret signs of recognition.

"Soul us all intelligence and portion of the Divinity..." Progression to the Intellectual.

Macrobius says that the first death is when the soul falls into the body "as a sepulcher" and that the second is natural death.

An assimilation as much as possible to GoD, capable of abstracting the soul from sensibles.

we see from these extracts, and is a proof that the Mysteries transmitted were essentially spiritual and of the same origin.