
On the Towns

Posted By Stonewall Argus and Teulon Times

Posted 5 years ago

Wedding congrats

Congratulations to Crystal de Laroque and Scott Rainer, who were married on June 4. Best wishes for your future happiness.

Birthday wishes

Happy 50th birthday to Bruce Buchanan, who celebrated his special day on June 8. Also celebrating birthdays are Ila Buchanan on June 9 and Bill Buchanan on June 10. Best wishes.

Legion Fun Day

The Legion?s Zone 5 held a Family Fun Day on June 4 at the Argyle Hall. Despite having a small crowd in attendance, there was lots of fun to be had and a delicious supper was served. Also, there was horseshoes, bean bag toss, balloon break and a silent auction with many great prizes. The organizers would like to thank those who attended and for the donations of food for supper and prizes for the auction. Your support was very much



It?s that time of year again! Good luck to all the students who will be hitting the books hard studying and writing exams for the next two weeks. To those students that think they have a tough teacher ? just a thought from an e-mail I recently received:

?If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a boss.? (Bill Gates)

Parent council news

The Brant Argyle School Parent Council recently received a generous donation from the History Book Committee in the amount of $1,500 to go towards a community project. Much appreciation to the committee and the community from the parent council. They are looking into putting in a soccer pitch for the students and community to enjoy.

Hobby display

There are alot of talented people in the Argyle area! Do you know what your neighbours do for a hobby? Quilting, painting, carve wood, knit, stained glass, collect butterflies?

Come and see what your friends and neighbours are doing. It?s just one afternoon of being sociable, and whether you have a hobby or are looking for a hobby you are welcome to attend and bring a friend. It will be held on June 26 from 1-5 p.m. at the Campbell Farm near Argyle. No admission fee. For more information or to show your hobby, call Shirley at 383-5321 or Helen at 467-4606.

Rising Star contest

Speaking of talent in our community, we were surrounded by it at the Rockwood Rising Star Contest at the South Interlake Agricultural Fair last weekend.

Congratulations goes out to Charlotte Kosc, 8, who came in first in the 13 and under category. She played the guitar and sang and caught the attention of the judges and the crowd with her powerful voice. If she keeps it up she is going to be just awesome when she's a teenager. Great job Charlotte!

Another local talented young lady by the name of Burgundy Buchanan entered the competition and did a great job! Watch for her in future competitions.

Another contestant from our area who is making headlines these days and will continue to do so is Amanda Prystupa. This girl can sing and she is so great at performing, what I call a natural. She gave awesome performances at the contest and again Saturday evening when she was invited to sing at the Ham Jam. Amanda came in second at the Rising Star Contest in the 13 and older category. With the Canadian Idol experience under her belt, she is on her way to becoming an even bigger star!

The results of the contest were:

13 & under: 1st ? Charlotte Kosc; 2nd ? Rhianna Saj; 3rd ? Genevieve Francis

14 & older: 1st ? Kenny Muzia; 2nd ? Amanda Prystupa; 3rd ? Brittany Rutherford.

Most promising talent ? Rhianna Saj. Overall winner ? Kenny Muzia.

Until next week, have a great week everyone!

News submissions

This is your community news column, so if you have any news items, congratulations, announcements, etc. you would like to share with others, please don?t hesitate to give me a call or e-mail and I will gladly submit them. The submission deadline is Tuesday evenings by phone or fax at 467-8750 or e-mail them to me at


Around Town

Is summer almost here? After all the recent rain, it?s time for the flowers, gardens and crops to start growing. The town has been busy planting flowers along Main Street and hanging up beautiful baskets of wave petunias.

Only a couple more weeks until school is out. The Grade 5 and 6 classes will be heading out on Wednesday for their field trips. A reminder that a volunteer luncheon will be held at the elementary school on June 18 at 11:30 a.m.

Teulon Pharmacy has changed its hours and now will be open until 7 p.m. on Friday evenings and from noon to 4 p.m. Sundays. Note that the dispensary is not open on Sundays. Now there is even more reason to shop local.

Wedding bells

Congratulations to Shirley Palsson and Joseph Segura of Komarno on their wedding, which took place in Arborg on June 5. The happy couple are planning to move to Paris, France by mid-July. Best wishes for a marriage filled with love and happiness!

Special anniversaries

Two local couples celebrated very special anniversaries recently. Happy 50th anniversary to Kasper and Pearl Dziedzic, and best wishes to Steve and Mary Kowalchuk on their 60th anniversary.


Some very special ladies from our community will be retiring at the end of this school year.

Dwyla Campbell will be leaving Inwood School and a retirement tea was held in her honour on June 9. Meanwhile, Teulon Elementary invites everyone to a retirement tea in honour of Ruth McMahon, the school?s secretary for the past 31 years. Join Ruth on June 16 at the Teulon Rockwood Centennial Centre from 5-7 p.m.

You both will be sadly missed by all the students, parents and staff that you have touched through the years.

MYJC news

On June 4, the Manitoba Youth Job Centre and St. John?s Ambulance brought you a Babysitters Workshop for interested students age 12 and up. We had a great turnout, and there are now

19 newly-certified babysitters in our community. Congratulations participants! A special thank you goes out to Jill and Leah Brunger, our instructors for the day. You did a fantastic job!

Up and coming: the Flowery Frenzy begins this week. We will be selling carnation bouquets for Canada Day. To pre-order yours please call the office.

Day Camp: this summer the MYJC and Green Acres Art Centre will be putting on a day camp for students age 6-10 that will be held on July 14, 21 and 28 (Thursdays in July). These afternoons will be filled with crafts, games and scavenger hunts! We are asking that all those interested pre-register by July 4 because space is limited. Watch for posters around town with more info or call Erin at 886-3588.

Gospel Tabernacle

The Teulon Gospel Tabernacle at 41 Beach Road, will be having a Yard and Bake Sale on June 11, from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. They will also be selling hot dogs and drinks. Come and join us for muffins and coffee (free) every Sunday morning from 10-10:45 a.m. and join us for our worship service at 11 a.m. Sunday School for all children through the service. For more information call Teulon Gospel Tabernacle at 886-2834, or Pastor Laurie or Darlene at 467-2583.

Church service

A reminder to the congregation of the St. Stephens Orthodox church Pleasant Home that there will be a Father?s Day Church Service at 10 a.m. on June 12, with the blessing of the graves. A hot dinner to follow ? turkey, perogies, cabbage rolls and all the trimmings. Visitors and former parishioners are welcome to share in the worship and partake in the dinner.

Senior Resource

The Senior Resource Centre will be hosting another street barbeque on June 17 from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. in front of the Senior Resource office. Hope to see you there!

Wish ride

Once again, the Charity Ride for Hopes and Wishes was very successful. The event took place at the ranch of Victor and Charlene Dziedzic in Inwood. Despite the soggy weather, the event continued and local MP James Bezan kicked off the 12-mile ride. There were more than 100 horseback riders, along with 12 wagons for those who just wanted to sit back and enjoy the ride. Participants raised funds for the kids with pledge books, a wish auction and poker hands. Once returning home from the wet ride, the delicious aroma of barbeque pork and turkey cooking was mouth watering and warming. There were 400 people who sat down and enjoyed supper and the evening ended with a barn dance. Music was provided by the Country Pride band. Everyone in attendance had a lot of fun and helped raise a lot of money! Congratulations to all the participants, sponsors, and coordinators for raising over $20,000 for the kids.

A reminder that I need your news, ads, announcements, or renewed subscriptions by Tuesday at 4 p.m. If you have any pictures that need to be submitted please have them to me by Tuesday at 11 a.m. Please stop by the Petal Peddler at 55 Main Street., Teulon, call me at 886-2661, or send me an e-mail at I look forward to hearing from you!.


oudy weather. It?s about time we got some sunshine.

Get well wishes to Brenda Lea Tully, who has recently spent some time in hospital, and also best wishes to Alan Kelly, who was in Grace Hospital at the time of this writing.

Mr. and Mrs. Bradley of B.C. have been visiting friends and relatives here, Edna Smith has remarried. Ken and Jean Tully of Nanaimo, B.C. have just returned from a mission to Azerbaijan. They were visiting relatives and friends from here.

The rural provincial track meet was held in Selkirk June 3-4. Students from all across Manitoba took part, including local residents Megan McRae, Miles MacMillan and Blair Tully. Those who placed first and second are allowed to take part in the urban track meet next week in Winnipeg. All three local students may attend, so our students competed well.

The last Old Tyme Dance took place in Meadow Lea Hall on June 4. These dances will resume again in the fall.

Community shower for Colleen Tully, bride-elect of Cortney Olson, June 13, at 7:00 p.m. at Meadow Lea Community Centre. Everyone welcome.


Congratulations to the Woodlands Kindergarten students on doing three laps on the ?Boyd Memorial Fitness Trail? in an effort to combat diabetes. Congratulations also to all who participated.


Get well wishes go out to Fran Lindell from her many, many friends. We?re all pulling for you!


The family of Muriel Galbraith hosted a celebration at the Parochial Hall in Stonewall on June 5 on the occasion of her 80th birthday. It was wonderful to see and meet with so many friends. Congratulations, Aunt Muriel.Bbest wishes and may you celebrate many more.

It is with my apologies that I have not written of the untimely passing of Rev. Christ Tolton. Rev. Tolton was involved in a tragic car accident near his home in Drayton Valley, Alta., approximately a month ago and passed away as a result of his injuries. He had been our minister at the Grosse Isle Anglican Church and quickly became a very dear friend. He was back in Manitoba for the Balmoral Centennial Services but we had been unable to attend as we had a wedding that weekend. With many fond memories of him, we extend our condolences to his wife Pat and their families.


ervices will be on June 19, July 24 and Aug. 21, all at 2:00 p.m. The Christmas service will be , Dec. 21 at 7 p.m. and the Easter service will take place on April 15, 2006 at 7 p.m. Mark these dates on your calendar now.

Spring raffle winners

Winners of the Southwest District Palliative Care Spring Raffle are:

#1: Hand made sunflower quilt donated by Betty Latta ? Ed Anderson;

#2: Original oil painting donated by Al Closen ? Tricia Proctor;

#3: Hand made raku pottery dish donated by Liz Harkness ? Sherry Whall.

Thank you to all who purchased tickets in support of palliative care and a special bouquet to the three individuals who donated the prizes to the raffle. x1

Stonewall Collegiate Class of 1980 is holding a class reunion on July 2. This event is being planned for all classmates who attended school with this group, not just the graduates. For further information call Brenda Reimer at 467-9177 or Suzanne Campbell Meyers at 467-2839.

A community shower for Shannon McLaughlin, bride-elect of Scott Lyman, will be held on June 17th, at 7:00 p.m. at the Stony Mountain Curling Club. x1


This cloudy, dismal weather has certainly settled in and is in no rush to leave! The ground is saturated and farmers are still trying to get their crops in around the rainy season. Gardens are also way behind, and greenhouses are suffering a little. Until the sun shines, summer is pretty much on hold.

Best wishes are extended to Cheryl Nugent, who celebrated her 40th birthday on June 6. Wow, how time flies! Happy birthday Cheryl!

Lake Francis Hall board

Don?t forget the garage sale is coming up in a few days. Watch for posters!

The annual general meeting will take place on June 17 at 8 p.m. The board will be discussing the new hall and would like to invite everyone to attend. There will be coffee and donuts served. The Canada Day celebrations will be discussed.

The Lake Francis annual ball tournament will be held July 15-16 this year. Watch for posters on these events.

Woodlands Elementary school is busy for the month of June. The staff and students will be saying good-bye to their principal, Mr. Goodbrandson, who will be leaving at the end of June. Good luck to him.

Field day for grades 1-6 students will be held on June 27. There will be an outdoor picnic lunch for staff and students in the outdoor classroom at noon. Parents are welcome to come and join in.

June 10 is volunteer appreciation day. The staff will be serving coffee at 2:15 p.m. and hope to see all the parents who volunteer their time to help at the Woodlands School.

Field trips are winding down. The Kindergarten and Grade 1 and 2 classes are going to Fort Whyte and the Manitoba Museum on June 14. The grade 3-6 classes went to the University of Manitoba and grades 7-8 students enjoyed a sleepover at Camp Arnes.

Don?t forget Father?s Day is June 19. That means there is a little over a week to find the perfect gift for Dad.

Birthday greetings are extended to Peggy Hnybida of Oak Park Lodge who celebrated 82 years young on June 9.

If we could take the weather out of farming or farming out of the weather, perhaps we will have solved one of life's greatest adversities.

Hopefully things will begin to look brighter in the next couple of days. In the meantime, keep your chin up and have a pleasant week.

I would appreciate to hear about upcoming birthdays, sports activities, anniversaries, accomplishments. Please don?t hesitate to call Arlene Oliver at 383-5887 or e-mail. I'd like to hear from you!


Thought of the week

Once in a while, take a break and visit yourself.

Tabloid Day

Tabloid day is on June 10, with a rain date of June 13. It is a day of fun for all students at Balmoral Elementary. Lunch is provided by Home and School and Kindergarten students stay all day long. There are many activities such as relay, dress up your captain, step up, etc. At the end of this busy day teams assemble in the gym and say their ?chant.? The team who has the most points of course are presented with red ribbons. Have fun.

Exams begin

Another year must be ending soon with exams being written this week. Weren?t we just picking up school supplies? Good luck on your exams everyone!

Volunteer BBQ

In appreciation of our school volunteers who helped at our school this year there will be a volunteer barbeque on June 16 at noon at the school.

Kindergarten orientation

There will be a kindergarten orientation on June 16 at 7 p.m. at the school. A great way to check out your classroom.

Fishing derby

A fishing derby sponsored by Teulon Game and Fishing Association will be held on June 11 at Lake St. George. Pre-registration required. Call stan Popplestone 886-3296 or Debbie Dykstra 467-8160.

Balmoral United Church

This Sunday is the 80th anniversary of the United Church in Canada. Balmoral United Church will be celebrating with a special service, Sunday school wind-up and pot luck picnic. Bring your lawn chairs and a dish to share!

Treasures and pictures from years past will be on display. There will be games and activities for the children. Everyone is most welcome to come and celebrate with us at our regular service time of 11 a.m. For further information regarding this event, please contact Teresa at 467-9752 or Charlotte at 467-9070.

On June 19, the annual Victoria United Church Service is being held at 2 p.m. The Church is located on Road 84 N between highways 7 and 236. Refreshments and visiting will follow the service. Everyone is welcome to attend. There will be no service at Balmoral United Church that morning.

If anyone has any items or baking they wish to donate to the Church table at the Community Garage Sale on June 18, please contact Charlotte 467-9070.

If there are any knitters in the community able to share their talent with the United Church, we are in need of someone to knit Baptismal stoles. Please contact Janet Shipley at 467-2084 for further information and the pattern. Thanks!

Class of 1980

Stonewall Collegiate Class of 1980 is holding its school reunion on July 2. For more information call Brenda 467-9177 or Suzanne 467-2839.

Got news?

Don?t forget to submit your news items to me by Tuesday evening, drop off items to my residence or call me before or on this day to have your items in the next edition of the Argus. I look forward to hearing from you. Readers from near and far enjoy our news so lets keep them informed.

Until next week ? have an excellent week everyone.


Hi again, I wish it would just stop raining for a month or two.

On June 8, the Stonewall Collegiate sports banquet was held. I will have all the local kids names who received awards in next week?s paper.

Happy birthday goes out to Nick Newman, who will be celebrating on the 10th. June Ellison will be celebrating on the 11th.

Don?t forget to drop by and support Team Diabetes Canada, hosted by Jenna Deprez. She will be hosting a beef and pork barbeque on June 11 at Boonstra Berry Farm. Drop by between 10:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. for a delicious barbeque lunch. There will be different activities for the kids as well as a silent auction. Hope to see you there.

The Stony Mountain United church will be having a baptism service on the 12th, plus in the early evening they will be having their delicious chicken barbeque.

The Stony Mountain United Church will be having a Decoration Day on June 12, fall in 1:45 p.m. and march off at 2 p.m. Everyone is welcome.

Please remember that the deadline each week is on Tuesday evenings. Please drop your news off at Scrumpy?s.

Bev will be having a customer appreciation night on June 18 starting at 6 p.m. with a pig roast and karaoke. Bev has owned the Mountain Motor Inn for 11 years and has sold it, with new owners taking possession on July 4.

Golf anyone? The 2nd Annual Ralph Eichler Charity Golf Tournament will be held on June 21 at the Teulon Golf and Country Club starting at 12:30 p.m. There will be a dinner to follow at 6 p.m. at Green Acres Park. All the proceeds will go to the South West District Palliative Care and the Interlake Community fund. For more info please call Val Appleyard at 467-5634.

The St. Joseph?s Annual Penny Parade will be on June 26 at the Rec Centre. Doors will be open at 1 p.m. and the draws starting at 3 p.m. For more info please call either Germaine at 344-5285 or Lynn at 344-5925.

The South Interlake Regional Library in Stonewall will be hosting a TD Summer Reading Club from June 27-30 for kids ages 6 to 12. For more info please call 467-8415.

Canada Day is fast approaching. Why not stay around and celebrate with your neighbors and friends? The Stony Mountain Legion has lots planned starting off with a pancake breakfast, a parade around noon, and lots more planned for the rest of the day including fireworks in the evening. Don?t forget to come out to the street dance the night before (June 30). Let?s celebrate Canada Day with a bang this year.

A community shower for Shannon McLaughlin, bride-elect of Scott Lyman, will be held on June 17, at 7:00 p.m. at the Stony Mountain Curling Club. x1

Until next week ? have a fun and healthy week.


to Gunnar Norberg, who is currently a patient in Grace Hospital. We hope you are home in a few days, Gunnar, and want you to know we?re all thinking of you!

WCI track team

Congratulations to Warren Collegiate track team members who participated in the rural provincials at Selkirk last Friday and Saturday. WCI came home with the Junior Boys Rural Provincial Banner. Congratulations to Curtis Toews and Jason Simonson of Meadows who are both members of the junior boys track team. Curtis placed third in the individual 400 metre race. Both Curtis and Jason were members of the medley relay team which placed fourth, with Curtis running the 800 metre race and Jason running the 400 metre race. Both were part of the 4x400 metre team which placed first. Congratulations also to Jenna Beauchamp, who qualified in the javelin event to go forward to the city provincials next weekend. At Selkirk the previous week, Jenna set a new school record of 28.36 metres in the javelin event. Best wishes go to the Warren Collegiate track and field team as they go forward in city provincial events at the University of Manitoba this coming Saturday.

A large number of family members gathered at Meadows Hall last Sunday to honor Debbie Hoas at a wedding shower. Congratulations to the bride-to-be, Debby, who will be married to Merv Martens in the fall.

Happy birthday greetings this week go out to Isla Hagborg and Bert Boonstra and to my friend Irene (Voth) Wagner, who is celebrating a very special birthday on Sunday!

We now have a little bit more information about Vacation Bible School at Schoenfelder Mennonite Church. Dates are from July 18-22 from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. each day for ages 5 and over. If you are interested you may register by calling Debby Friesen at 322-5773. Schoenfelder Mennonite Church is located on Highway 26 west of the Meadows Road.

Ladies Club members are reminded of the June outing to the Whitehorse Emporium on June 14. If you are planning to attend, please phone Ann at 322-5638. We will be meeting at the Whitehorse Emporium at 11:30 a.m. Don?t forget we will be catering to a wedding on June 18 at Meadows Hall. Help is needed for food prep on June 16 at 7 p.m. You are also reminded of the Community Club picnic on June 24 at 6:30 p.m.

That?s all for this week. Have a great week, friends!



June 2 found the club rooms at the Rosser Community Centre teeming with well-wishers to honor bride-elect Brooke Corbett.

The miscellaneous shower that evening featured an array of gifts that will keep the young couple busy in the kitchen or entertaining, especially with the added hostesses? presents of an outdoor fire-pit and accessories.

An interesting change in typical shower presentations where gifts are passed from one individual to the next was to find that with the setting of round tables, the gifts were instead toted to each group, which was rather quick and to the point, so to speak. Afterwards, everyone enjoyed the luncheon of dainty sandwiches and sweets.

Brooke and Jason Darragh (from Nova Scotia) will wed on July 16 at the Rosser United Church with a reception to follow at the Hitch?n Post.

80th birthday

Congratulations go to Muriel Galbraith on her 80th birthday, which was celebrated with a ?Come and go tea? at the Anglican Parochial Hall in Stonewall on June 4 as friends, neighbors and relatives joined in for the special occasion.

Rosser United Church

The weather may have put a damper on the outdoor festivities for the June 5 church services but the idea of having a ?clown? service to celebrate the children of the Rosser area was still a successful venture.

The kids dressed as colourful clowns assisted Rev. Leslie Clark reverse her white habit to suit the occasion and joyfully contributed to the whole service.

The lunch provided was barbecued outside and served in the church basement and a good time was had by all.


By Henry Ozirney ? New Life Church

Once upon a time, a man invented a model car that could run all by itself, without a remote control. It brought him great delight to watch it as it zoomed around his house, negotiating turns around table legs and living room furniture.

In his backyard, he built a network of roads that the car could freely run at higher speeds. He built a garage for it to stay in overnight. He provided a service station, right next to the house, where the car could come for gas, oil checkups and repairs.

As he watched the car racing around curves, he wondered how nice it would be if there was more than one car. So he made a second car so that both could ride around his property together. This also gave him great joy.

He posted a series of rules of the road for the cars to follow. To avoid accidents, he placed stop signs in certain places, yield signs in others and lowered speed zones around dangerous curves. Over time, he added more cars to his collection until a large number of cars whizzed around his backyard.

But as he watched the cars, he noticed that some of them would approach the intersection, slow down and then drive through without stopping. Others just drove through the stop signs without even slowing down.

Then one day, the inevitable happened. Two cars collided at an intersection. He had to work long into the night repairing the damage to both cars.

Even more troubling was the fact the cars were not coming to his service station for fuel and repairs. Some had set up their own service stations and were using a fuel that was vastly inferior to the one he had designed the cars to run on.

As result, the cars ran poorly, with black smoke billowing out of their exhaust. A number were seen standing by the side of the road with their hoods up, unable to run. The man sensed a great frustration amongst the cars he had made because they were no longer enjoying the carefree cruising he had made them for.

A small number of cars began to realize that it would be best for them to follow the rules of the road and avoid accidents and to go the inventor?s service station to get their gas. When they did, their traveling became much smoother and happier.

But sadly, most of the cars kept on their own willful way, with parts held together by bubblegum and haywire. A number ended up in the junkyard.

And the man just shook his head.