nostradamus quatrain 26

Nostradamus prophecy: Quatrain 1, 26

Le grand du fouldre tumbe d'heure diurne,
Mal & predict par porteur postulaire:
Suivant presage tumbe d'heure nocturne,
Conflict Reims, Londres, Etrusque pestifere.

The great man will be struck down in the day by a thunderbolt.
An evil deed, foretold by the bearer of a petition.
According to the prediction another falls at night time.
Conflict at Reims, London, and pestilence in Tuscany.

Nostradamus prophecy: Quatrain 2, 26

Pour sa faueur que la cit fera,
Au grand qui tost perdra camp de bataille,
Puis le rang Pau Thesin versera,
De sang, feux morts yeux de coup de taille.

Because of the favor that the city will show
To the great one who will soon lose the field of battle,
Fleeing the Po position, the Ticino will overflow
With blood, fires, deaths, drowned by the long-edged blow.

Nostradamus prophecy: Quatrain 3, 26

Des Roys & Princes dresseront simulacres,
Augures, creuz esleuez aruspices:
Corne, victume d'oree, & d'azur, d'acre,
Inrerpretez seront les extipices.

They will prepare idols of Kings and Princes,
Soothsayers and empty prophets elevated:
Horn, victime of gold, and azure, dazzling,
The soothsayers will be interpreted.

Nostradamus prophecy: Quatrain 4, 26

Lou grand eyssame se leuera d'abelhos,
Que non salutan don te siegen venguddos.
Denuech l'bousq, lou gach dessous les treilhos
Ceiutad trahido per cinq lengos non nudos.

The great swarm of bees will arise,
Such that one will not know whence they have come;
By night the ambush, the sentinel under the vines
City delivered by five babblers not naked.

Nostradamus prophecy: Quatrain 5, 26

La gent esclaue par vn heur Martial,
Viendra en haut degr tant esslevee,
Changeront Prince, n'aistra vn prouincial,
Passer la mer copie aux monts leuee.

The slavish people through luck in war
Will become elevated to a very high degree:
They will change their Prince, one born a provincial,
An army raised in the mountains to pass over the sea.

Nostradamus prophecy: Quatrain 6, 26

Quatre ans le siege quelque peu bien tiendra,
Vn suruiendra libidineux de vie:
Rauenne & Pyse, Veronne soustiendront,
Pour esleuer la croix de Pape enuie.

For four years the see will be held with some little good,
One libidinous in life will succeed to it:
Ravenna, Pisa and Verona will give support,
Longing to elevate the Papal cross.

Nostradamus prophecy: Quatrain 7, 26

Fustes & galees autour de sept navires,
Sera livree une mortelle guerre:
Chef de Madric recevra coup de vivres,
Deux eschapeer & cing menees terre.

Foists and galleys around seven ships,
a mortal war will be let loose.
The leader from Madrid will receive a wound from arrows,
two escaped and five brought to land.

Nostradamus prophecy: Quatrain 8, 26

De Caton es trouves en Barcellonne,
Mis descouvers lieu retrouvers & ruine,
Le grand qui tient ne tient vouldra Pamplonne.
Par l'abbaye de Montferrat bruine.

The bones of Cato found in Barcelona,
placed, discovered, the site found again and ruined.
The great one who holds, but does not hold,
wants Pamplona, drizzle at the abbey of Montserrat.

Nostradamus prophecy: Quatrain 9, 26

Nice sortie sur nom des lettres aspres,
La grande cappe fera present non sien:
Proche de vultry aux murs de vertes capres,
Apres plombin le vent bon essien.

Departed by the bitter letters the surname of Nice,
The great Cappe will present something, not his own;
Near Voltai at the wall of the green columns,
After Piombino the wind in good earnest.

Nostradamus prophecy: Quatrain 10, 26

Le successeur vengera son beau frere,
Occuper regne souz vmbre de vengeance,
Occis ostacle son sang mort vitupere,
Long temps Bretaigne tiendra auec la France.

The successor will avenge his brother-in-law,
To occupy the realm under the shadow of vengeance:
Obstacle slain his blood for the death blame,
For a long time will Brittany hold with France.